Whether a small residential condominium development or a large commercial development, Carmody lawyers help clients create the most effective strategies to resolve complicated issues and structure real estate developments in a manner that creates maximum flexibility and value for its clients.
Carmody lawyers represent developers, private equity and real estate funds, corporations, and other entities in the structure, creation, and declaration of residential and commercial condominiums, planned communities, cooperatives, leasehold condominiums and other forms of ownership pursuant to Connecticutās Common Interest Ownership Act.
Carmody obtained the zoning approvals as part of the Connecticut Supreme Courtās landmark decision in Alvord, which holds that the creation of āairspaceā condominiums, planned communities, and leasehold condominiums is allowed under Connecticutās Common Interest Ownership Act. The Alvord decision allows for a unique level of structuring on real estate developments in Connecticut allowing real estate owners and developers to avoid unnecessary subdivision and creating value and flexibility in real estate developments. Carmody has structured some of the most complex and sophisticated āairspaceā developments in the State of Connecticut.